ADMIN 2024. 07. 08.  
   Á¦¸ñ: I will increase traffic and profitability of the site
±Û¾´ÀÌ: MikhailRE   ³¯Â¥: 2023.12.07 09:55:45   Á¶È¸: 954
Hello. I will increase traffic and profitability of the site, and also solve all the problems existing on the site. Moreover, the increase in traffic will be due to the influx of targeted visitors from search engines, which is the most profitable and promising for you. A little information about yourself. I am a specialist in the field of creation, improving and promotion of websites. I also have knowledge and experience in a number of related fields. Work experience is more than 19 years. I always do quality work. Prices are moderate. The main areas of my activity: creating websites, improving websites and correcting errors, promoting websites in search engines, setting up advertising campaigns in contextual advertising services, various types of mass mailings (they give a good one-time influx of sales), working with reviews on the Internet. I also create, refine and promote groups and channels on social networks (YouTube, Instagram, Telegram and others). Write to my email: -------------------- ¬©¬Õ¬â¬Ñ¬Ó¬ã¬ä¬Ó¬å¬Û¬ä¬Ö. ¬µ¬Ó¬Ö¬Ý¬Ú¬é¬å ¬á¬à¬ã¬Ö¬ë¬Ñ¬Ö¬Þ¬à¬ã¬ä¬î ¬Ú ¬Õ¬à¬ç¬à¬Õ¬ß¬à¬ã¬ä¬î ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬Ñ, ¬Ñ ¬ä¬Ñ¬Ü¬Ø¬Ö ¬â¬Ö¬ê¬å ¬Ó¬ã¬Ö ¬Ú¬Þ¬Ö¬ð¬ë¬Ú¬Ö¬ã¬ñ ¬ß¬Ñ ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬Ö ¬á¬â¬à¬Ò¬Ý¬Ö¬Þ¬í. ¬±¬â¬Ú¬é¬Ö¬Þ ¬â¬à¬ã¬ä ¬á¬à¬ã¬Ö¬ë¬Ñ¬Ö¬Þ¬à¬ã¬ä¬Ú ¬Ò¬å¬Õ¬Ö¬ä ¬Ú¬Õ¬ä¬Ú ¬Ù¬Ñ ¬ã¬é¬Ö¬ä ¬á¬â¬Ú¬ä¬à¬Ü¬Ñ ¬è¬Ö¬Ý¬Ö¬Ó¬í¬ç ¬á¬à¬ã¬Ö¬ä¬Ú¬ä¬Ö¬Ý¬Ö¬Û ¬Ú¬Ù ¬á¬à¬Ú¬ã¬Ü¬à¬Ó¬í¬ç ¬ã¬Ú¬ã¬ä¬Ö¬Þ, ¬é¬ä¬à ¬Õ¬Ý¬ñ ¬Ó¬Ñ¬ã ¬Þ¬Ñ¬Ü¬ã¬Ú¬Þ¬Ñ¬Ý¬î¬ß¬à ¬Ó¬í¬Ô¬à¬Õ¬ß¬à ¬Ú ¬á¬Ö¬â¬ã¬á¬Ö¬Ü¬ä¬Ú¬Ó¬ß¬à. ¬¯¬Ö¬Þ¬ß¬à¬Ô¬à ¬Ú¬ß¬æ¬à¬â¬Þ¬Ñ¬è¬Ú¬Ú ¬à ¬ã¬Ö¬Ò¬Ö. ¬Á ¬ñ¬Ó¬Ý¬ñ¬ð¬ã¬î ¬ã¬á¬Ö¬è¬Ú¬Ñ¬Ý¬Ú¬ã¬ä¬à¬Þ ¬Ó ¬à¬Ò¬Ý¬Ñ¬ã¬ä¬Ú ¬ã¬à¬Ù¬Õ¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬ñ, ¬Õ¬à¬â¬Ñ¬Ò¬à¬ä¬Ü¬Ú ¬Ú ¬á¬â¬à¬Õ¬Ó¬Ú¬Ø¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬ñ ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬à¬Ó. ¬´¬Ñ¬Ü¬Ø¬Ö ¬Ú¬Þ¬Ö¬ð ¬Ù¬ß¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬ñ ¬Ú ¬à¬á¬í¬ä ¬Ó ¬â¬ñ¬Õ¬Ö ¬ã¬Þ¬Ö¬Ø¬ß¬í¬ç ¬à¬Ò¬Ý¬Ñ¬ã¬ä¬Ö¬Û. ¬°¬á¬í¬ä ¬â¬Ñ¬Ò¬à¬ä¬í ¬ã¬à¬ã¬ä¬Ñ¬Ó¬Ý¬ñ¬Ö¬ä ¬Ò¬à¬Ý¬î¬ê¬Ö 19 ¬Ý¬Ö¬ä. ¬²¬Ñ¬Ò¬à¬ä¬å ¬Ó¬ã¬Ö¬Ô¬Õ¬Ñ ¬Ó¬í¬á¬à¬Ý¬ß¬ñ¬ð ¬Ü¬Ñ¬é¬Ö¬ã¬ä¬Ó¬Ö¬ß¬ß¬à. ¬¸¬Ö¬ß¬í ¬å¬Þ¬Ö¬â¬Ö¬ß¬ß¬í¬Ö. ¬°¬ã¬ß¬à¬Ó¬ß¬í¬Ö ¬ß¬Ñ¬á¬â¬Ñ¬Ó¬Ý¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬ñ ¬Þ¬à¬Ö¬Û ¬Õ¬Ö¬ñ¬ä¬Ö¬Ý¬î¬ß¬à¬ã¬ä¬Ú: ¬ã¬à¬Ù¬Õ¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬Ö ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬à¬Ó, ¬å¬Ý¬å¬é¬ê¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬Ö ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬à¬Ó ¬Ú ¬Ú¬ã¬á¬â¬Ñ¬Ó¬Ý¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬Ö ¬à¬ê¬Ú¬Ò¬à¬Ü, ¬á¬â¬à¬Õ¬Ó¬Ú¬Ø¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬Ö ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬à¬Ó ¬Ó ¬á¬à¬Ú¬ã¬Ü¬à¬Ó¬í¬ç ¬ã¬Ú¬ã¬ä¬Ö¬Þ¬Ñ¬ç, ¬ß¬Ñ¬ã¬ä¬â¬à¬Û¬Ü¬Ñ ¬â¬Ö¬Ü¬Ý¬Ñ¬Þ¬ß¬í¬ç ¬Ü¬Ñ¬Þ¬á¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬Û ¬Ó ¬ã¬Ö¬â¬Ó¬Ú¬ã¬Ñ¬ç ¬Ü¬à¬ß¬ä¬Ö¬Ü¬ã¬ä¬ß¬à¬Û ¬â¬Ö¬Ü¬Ý¬Ñ¬Þ¬í, ¬â¬Ñ¬Ù¬Ý¬Ú¬é¬ß¬à¬Ô¬à ¬â¬à¬Õ¬Ñ ¬Þ¬Ñ¬ã¬ã¬à¬Ó¬í¬Ö ¬â¬Ñ¬ã¬ã¬í¬Ý¬Ü¬Ú (¬Õ¬Ñ¬ð¬ä ¬ç¬à¬â¬à¬ê¬Ú¬Û ¬Ö¬Õ¬Ú¬ß¬à¬â¬Ñ¬Ù¬à¬Ó¬í¬Û ¬á¬â¬Ú¬ä¬à¬Ü ¬á¬â¬à¬Õ¬Ñ¬Ø), ¬â¬Ñ¬Ò¬à¬ä¬Ñ ¬ã ¬à¬ä¬Ù¬í¬Ó¬Ñ¬Þ¬Ú ¬Ó ¬Ú¬ß¬ä¬Ö¬â¬ß¬Ö¬ä¬Ö. ¬´¬Ñ¬Ü¬Ø¬Ö ¬Ù¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬Þ¬Ñ¬ð¬ã¬î ¬à¬Ù¬Õ¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬Ö¬Þ, ¬Õ¬à¬â¬Ñ¬Ò¬à¬ä¬Ü¬à¬Û ¬Ú ¬á¬â¬à¬Õ¬Ó¬Ú¬Ø¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬Ö¬Þ ¬Ô¬â¬å¬á¬á ¬Ú ¬Ü¬Ñ¬ß¬Ñ¬Ý¬à¬Ó ¬Ó ¬ã¬à¬è¬Ú¬Ñ¬Ý¬î¬ß¬í¬ç ¬ã¬Ö¬ä¬ñ¬ç (YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, VK ¬Ú ¬Õ¬â¬å¬Ô¬Ú¬Ö). ¬±¬Ú¬ê¬Ú¬ä¬Ö ¬ß¬Ñ ¬Þ¬à¬ð ¬á¬à¬é¬ä¬å:

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